Ensure Technologies Blog

Case Study about VDI implementation with XyLoc

Hospital VDI Solution Case StudySome time ago we told you about a cool new cloud solution in partnership with Leostream Corporation’s connection broker.  Well, it isn’t just a cool story any more.  This solution has a real life implementation and, thanks to a lot of help from folks from Leostream, Wyse and CompuCom, we now have a fantastic case study out of it.

Cloud computing, as is the case with most newer technologies, obviously has a “cool” factor, but there are some very practical reasons that it makes sense for a lot of organizations, not the least of which is some major cost savings.

To quote Josh Gervey, Managing Consultant and National Practice Director for Enterprise Management Services at CompuCom, “…because of this solution we now have a better performing, significantly more secure, flexible and adaptable environment.  It’s managed better, with fewer resources, and at a much lower cost.”

How much lower cost?  Well, the hospital did an ROI calculation after implementation and determined a cost savings upwards of $471,000 and 1,600 hours of downtimeper year.

Now that…is a “cool” factor.

Check out the case study here and see how practical, and secure, a VDI solution can be for you.


New client and server now available!

After a bit of wailing and gnashing of teeth, we’re excited to announce that the latest release of the XyLoc client, version 9.2, and the latest XyLoc Security Server (XSS), version 5.1, is now available. Continue reading

XyLoc Going Viral

Check out our new XyLoc overview video on YouTube!  This is the first of what we hope to be a series of videos as we go forward.  We’re planning some more specific product videos to highlight each in more detail and also looking at doing some basic how-to videos.

Let us know other content you would  like to see related to XyLoc.  We appreciate your feedback.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and you can check out and subscribe to our YouTube channel to get updates as we produce more videos.

Seamless end-user security for your cloud!

Leostream CorporationBy now, “cloud computing” and “VDI” have become household terms in the IT industry.  Being mostly a front end PC security solution, Ensure Technologies has always taken a fairly VDI-agnostic approach to cloud computing.  The core purpose of the XyLoc Client has been to add a nice middle ground between convenience and security.  To, as much as possible, meld the security needs of organizations with a seamless user desktop experience.  

Leostream Corporation’s Connection Broker is the industry’s most widely deployed vendor-independent connection broker.  Their model allows enterprises the ability to integrate a variety of complex solutions together without having to be locked into any one brand or vendor.  This vendor agnostic approach to IT is a philosophy we have in common and we’re very excited to be able to announce the integration of XyLoc into the Leostream Connect client for signing into Leostream’s VDI Connection Broker. Continue reading

XyLoc: A Cross-Industry Security Solution

XyLoc’s inherent flexibility makes it well suited to a variety of industries and their unique workstation security environments. With a strong foundation in the healthcare industry, XyLoc also serves organizations in financial services, government, manufacturing and process control, and ‘critical infrastructure’ environments such as computer networks in utility companies.

Professional Services and Support

Ensure Technologies backs its XyLoc hardware and software with a suite of support options, including annual maintenance programs and remote or on-site services for system installation, configuration and optimization, training, customized systems integration, and related technical services.

How XyLoc Protects Workstations When They Are Most Vulnerable

XyLoc Walk-Up and Walk-Away Workstation Security

XyLoc's Active RF proximity technology boosts productivity and security by automatically detecting when authorized users leave and then reapproach a protected workstation.

XyLoc protects workstations at the most critical point – after an authorized user logs on, and then steps away from the machine.

XyLoc consists of a radio transceiver ‘Lock’ that plugs into the protected computer via USB, a wireless radio transceiver ‘Key’ (badge) worn by the user, and client/server Continue reading

XyLoc Provides Full-Time Workstation Security, Maximum User Convenience.

FACT: Most data breaches and damage to IT assets occur as a result of inappropriate internal access to poorly secured PCs.

Protection of information assets continues to be a critical daily concern for organizations around the world. And while much media attention is routinely given to the threats that originate from outside the organization, Ensure Technologies combats internal PC security exposures with its industry-proven XyLoc product family. Continue reading

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